Gang Activity
After viewing the video clips, and after reading the article on gangs, react to what you've read and viewed. What do you think? Why? Write openly about your thoughts on gangs.
This is a blog about reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking... We all do it and we all do it so uniquely. So I thought having some space to reflect on these skills would be a good idea and an opportunity to learn from one another and about one another. PLEASE REMEMBER TO COMMENT ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE READING...AND ALWAYS BE APPROPRIATE IN YOUR BLOGGING, REFLECTIONS, AS WELL AS YOUR USERNAME!
After viewing the video clips, and after reading the article on gangs, react to what you've read and viewed. What do you think? Why? Write openly about your thoughts on gangs.
Posted by
Ms. Lengyel
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
You have read about Bethany and how she survived a shark attack while surfing in Hawaii Watch the video clip of Bethany and write a blog about how you would have reacted and dealt with such a crisis. Would you have reacted the same way? Would you have done something differently? Explain...
Posted by
Ms. Lengyel
Wednesday, September 10, 2008