Current Events - Immigration: Pay to Say
After reading the article and after reviewing the questions, how do you feel about immigration in the U.S.? What is your opinion about illegal aliens? How do you think the U.S. Government should handle issues with illegal immigrants?
My opinion on U.S. immigrates is that I don't really mind if they stay legally or ilegally. The only reason most immigrates come to America is that they want to go to a better place then where they previously were. Most immigrates have reasons for coming here but if they didn't have a reason then I would change opinions and want them getting deported.
What I think about immigration, is that you shouldn't stay, if you're illegal. It's not fair for legal citizens, to have to pay extra for the illegal immigrants. If you are coming to the US for a better life/ oppertunity, than you should stay here legally, for the best oppertunity. That's basically my opinion.
i feel that they have to leave or become legal. but i think there is really nothing we can do to get rid of them becuase there is so many of them. but hopefully we can catch some of the illeagal immigrants.
i thought that it was very intersting and i would agree with the wrighter because i would no like to pay taxes for other people.
Illegal immigrants really don't concern me. I would care if an illegal immigrant was a suicide bomber but if not then it doesn’t concern me. If it did I think illegal immigrants want to live hear because they don’t like their country or because they have a criminal record for doing something like murder. I thing the U.S. government should check all passports of people that are coming in from a different country and check their bags for anything that could affect America.
I personaly do not mind if imagrants come ilegally. i also think that if the gov catches them they should not send them back just have them become leagle.
I think that immigrates is good because they work the job that american don't want to do.Goverment should try to check some immagrates that have bad information because those people can be dangeours to the people.
Devin's Comment:
I really think its pretty much a waste of time trying to catch these illegal imigrants because there are millions of them and they give us money by us taxing the alcohol,cigs, ans other stuff.
Immigration is a serious problem in the United States. I think illegal aliens are disgratful. And i think they should be shot befor they even have a chance to cross.
I think that it is good America is having more people coming into it and we are having these immagrents work for cheap labor but it isn't goos that so much money is leaving the country. I don't think its fair to have no money leave the country to support other people through their hard earned money but there should be a limit because than the money isn't recycled in the economy and we need that right now because we are in an economic crisis. I also think that there should be a big punishment for immigrating to America illigaly. Also hose illigal immigrates come to this country and talk advantage that the tax payers pay for and those immigrates don't have to pay any taxes so if they are not registared we can't taxs them and that is why they should be punished. I've heard that if a mother crosses the border to give birth to her baby than the baby is an American and than there could be and arangment for the parents to stay in this county and that is another flaw in the law. That is why we should have border security.
I think the immigration is getting bigger. I think they should get there green card so they can be considered citizens in the great country. They should find them and make them citizens.
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